[CSHARP]using System.Diagnostics;[/CSHARP]

[CSHARP]Process myProcess = new Process();
// Get the process start information of notepad.
ProcessStartInfo myProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("notepad.exe");
// Assign 'StartInfo' of notepad to 'StartInfo' of 'myProcess' object.
myProcess.StartInfo = myProcessStartInfo;
// Create a notepad.
ProcessModule myProcessModule;
// Get all the modules associated with 'myProcess'.
ProcessModuleCollection myProcessModuleCollection = myProcess.Modules;
Console.WriteLine("Properties of the modules associated "
+"with 'notepad' are:");
// Display the properties of each of the modules.
for( int i=0;i<myProcessModuleCollection.Count;i++)
myProcessModule = myProcessModuleCollection[i];
Console.WriteLine("The moduleName is "
Console.WriteLine("The " +myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s base address is: "
Console.WriteLine("The " +myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s Entry point address is: "
Console.WriteLine("The " +myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s File name is: "
// Get the main module associated with 'myProcess'.
myProcessModule = myProcess.MainModule;
// Display the properties of the main module.
Console.WriteLine("The process's main moduleName is: "
Console.WriteLine("The process's main module's base address is: "
Console.WriteLine("The process's main module's Entry point address is: "
Console.WriteLine("The process's main module's File name is: "