با این کد میتونید IP یه هاست رو بدست بیارید (مثل همون ping خودمونه :smilingsmiley:)

using System;
// using the System.Net namespace
using System.Net;

class Class1



static void Main(string[] args)


// Request the name

Console.Write("Please type the name of the host: ");

// Store it in 'host'

string host = Console.ReadLine();



// Get the DNS information

IPHostEntry ipHost = Dns.GetHostByName(host);

// Display the host name

Console.WriteLine("Host name: {0}", ipHost.HostName);

// Store the list of IP adresses

IPAddress[] ipAddr = ipHost.AddressList;

// Loop to actually display the IP

for(int x = 0; x < ipAddr.Length; x++)


Console.WriteLine("IP address: {0}", ipAddr[x].ToString());



// Catch the exception (if host was not found)



Console.WriteLine("Host not found.");


